Acting Director, Directorate of Corporate Services

Acting Director, Directorate of Corporate Services

Dr. (Mrs.) Oyebisi joined the services of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife with effect from 2nd February 1995. She holds the following qualifications; B. A. Education (Religious Studies) M. A. (Education) Guidance and Counselling and Ph.D. (Education) Guidance and Counselling, all from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

Since her assumption of duty, she has worked in various sections of the University which includes Junior Staff Establishment and Welfare, Examinations and Records Unit, Directorate of Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring/MIS Unit, College of Health Sciences as College Secretary, Faculty of Science as Faculty Secretary until her deployment to the Directorate of Corporate Services as Acting Director with effect from 9th January, 2012. Moreover, she has served as secretary to various committees in the University and as the Foundation Acting Principal of Obafemi Awolowo International School, Ile-Ife.

She is a member of many professional Associations which includes Association of Nigerian University Professional Administrators (ANUPA), Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM), Association of University Administrators, United Kingdom (AUA), Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (ACIPM), Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASON) and Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration.

Her schedule of duties as Acting Director involves coordinating the Public Relations Affairs of the university and other matters requiring same, secretary to Congregation and University Ceremonials Committee. Other duties include overseeing the Protocols and Hospitality Unit, Immigration and Passages Unit, University’s V.I.P Guest Houses and handling of any matter relating to the external image of the University as the Vice-Chancellor may decide and direct from time to time.


  1. Publicity arrangement of Inaugural Lectures, Convocation, Matriculation, Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars.
  2. Burial arrangement for deceased members of staff.
  3. Secretary to Ceremonials Committee.
  4. Placement of advertisement in the Print and Electronic Media.
  5. Dealing with all matters relating to Public Relation/Corporate image that may be forwarded from the VC/Registrar.
  6. Serving as Secretary to the following Committee:
  7. Congregation
  8. Conduct of Election of both Congregation Representative in Council and Senate
  9. OAU Staff School Governing Board.
  10. Housing and Allocation Committee.
  11. Health Services Management Committee
  12. Health Centre Review Panel.
  13. Computer Centre Review Panel
  14. Medical Advisory Board
  15. Sub-Committee on Repairs and Maintenance Stakeholders Forum
  16. Town and Gown Relations Committee.
  17. Religious Harmony Committee
  18. Providing accommodation and Catering in the VIP Guest Houses for official guests of the University.

Dr. (Mrs.) Oyebisi

Ag. Director Corporate Services